View past seminar recordings and external event information.

Book a consultation with the Career Center advisor in Japanese or English.

View various job and internship information.

Upcoming graduates, don't forget to submit your career plans for after graduation.

Submit in English 


Submit in Japanese


 Do you use LinkedIn? Feel free to join our LinkedIn group "Sophia University Career Support".

↓Upcoming Events↓

Information will be posted when available.


Online Learning Resources

IBM SkillsBuild - Develop Professional Skills as a Student

edX - High Quality Online Courses from Various Universities

Microsoft Learn - IT Related Online Learning

Resources for International Students

Visa information

Students that hold a "Student" visa must change their residence status after graduation. See the following link for information.


About status of residence after graduation.


A handbook that details various legal matters, labor laws and taxes for foreigners working in Japan. Produced by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


Click here to view.

JASSO Job HUnting Guide

 Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) produces a yearly guidebook for job hunting in Japan. 


Click here to view.

Japanese Language Learning

Find a study group or volunteer school and work on your Japanese. See the Tokyo Nihongo Volunteer Network Site Here

Programs in Japanese

Sophia University Career Center currently offers various programs in Japanese for all students accessible from the main page. In addition there are specifically tailored programs in Japanese for international students that can be accessed via the main page under "外国人留学生" or the link below.


Resources for international students (Japanese Language)